Tuesday, 30 December 2008

One Day.

I'm just like this. I find myself in unrealistic expectations and a lust for an interesting life. More true to myself than ever, I expect to fail but at least I try it all out. From all the colours splattered across the board, I'll try it, taking whatever I can from every place and trying my best not to look back, after all what reason do I have to?

Just like me. I don't ask to be understood, I'd rather I didn't, I like the mystery, all I ask of myself is that I don't mess up with anything from this point on. This life will be an interesting ride. With all the unexplainable things in life, I don't believe anyone needs an answer, standing back and watching the madness unfold is all we should really do.

It's the kind of thing that should be seen scrawled in the notebook of a madman, mental patient, generally unstable individual, yet it comes from a 17 year old with a creatively corrupt mind. There's nothing that I, as a person, if it's possible for me to consider myself that at this age, can say to effectively ease a persons pain and hardships. Then again, what reason would I even have to do that? It's probably because I'm listening to Amy Jo Johnson and her music makes me think more than anything, but when I get into this state of mind I end up just writing anything and everything I'm thinking, said thing being fairly evident.

There's no need for me too carry on writing now, but when was there a need for Darwin to continue his theory of evolution or for Kurt Cobain to continue writing Smells Like Teen Spirit? There wasn't, just like there has never been a need to carry on and continue anything, but as a people, we all feel the need too, even if it means nothing. I expect Cobain wrote his songs never even thinking anyone would care, just being his creative outlet, and Darwin writing believing people would never agree with him, and low and behold, no one did. I get sick of being told by people what I should and shouldn't be doing, probably the thing that annoys me the most, being told to do things, compromising my freedom, a thing that I feel I should keep with me at all time. No matter what you or anyone else thinks, freedom should be the only thing you uphold as a person, it's the only thing you need to survive. Fuck pride. Fuck honour. As important as they are too me fuck them, because in the end they serve no real purpose other than to cause trouble, if anyone honestly wanted the definitive solution to every problem in their life it would be find a way too free yourself from everything holding you down. For the people that can't do that, for the people that are in prison, in war zones and in constant danger every day, It is possible, somehow, you can get up and leave. There's always a way out, whether it be good behaviour, picking up a gun and fighting your way out, on just putting your fist up and saying no, you have a way out. The only thing that ultimately stops you, and deters you from your freedom is the choices you make. If you won't choose to get injured in some way, mental or physical, you can never expect to progress towards freedom. Martin Luther King was murdered for fighting for his dreams that one day black people would be free, in essence that's all everyone else needs to do, dream that we will all one day be free of everything. One day.

Monday, 22 December 2008

Suspended For Free Speech

After my friend, who i'll keep anon for now, made a remark about his workplace, Sainsbury's, an English supermarket, he has been suspended from work for a week under something the company are claiming as 'New Policy'.

My friend made the comment on his Facebook status, saying:
"-name- is sickened by Sainsbury's attitude"
His friend then commented:
""Why, what have they done?"
Which he replied:
"They're just cunts. You do everything for them and they just shit on you, almost literally!"

Past the strong language, surely it is up to him what he says? After all we have free speech, we have rights? So what makes it possible for him to be suspended for a week over this? As far as I can see he's entitled to his own opinion.

Anyone who's had something similar happen, disagrees with this, or wants to protect free speech, please upvote and do something about it!
Thank you.

Yet Again

"Bailiffs for private firms can now force their way into homes to seize property to pay off credit cards and loans and can restrain or pin down householders."

Oh how I despise the current state of this country. The things the Government are putting across upon the people claiming to help us. It's the same fucking way it's always been, and presumably always will be. I'm sorry, but I can't help getting annoyed about this, I hate it, more than almost anything else in the world, I hate having my rights fucking exorcised in front of me whilst these people who think they're above the law proceed to destroy everything that I've grown up in.

I'm not going to sit back and watch these people take away freedom, after all they're already getting onto the grounds of taking away free speech, and I swear, if that ever passes that will be when I snap.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

The Beginning

I would assume that this is what should technically be the beginning of the next stage of my existence, and honestly it probably was a bad day to start on, as I woke up at 2.30pm, slightly stunting it somewhat, as I am only around ten and a bit hours into my day.

Today was the fun day that, among other things (grandparents coming to stay for a week, finishing Assassin's Creed within a week, etc) I was lucky enough to receive a letter from one of the University's that I had put down on my Application form. Now usually, I would expect the worst of such things, and since I had only just awoke from what feels like a 6 month hibernation, I did exactly that. My sister, who is incidentally home from her University for the wonders of Christmas, came into my room, and handed me a letter. As soon as I saw a letter in her hand, my mind went straight to a: 'Fuck, Fuck Fuck, Shit, It's from a University, someone help!' state, and for some reason that is fairly common for me. At first I didn't know what to think, I was so tired still that I wasn't completely certain on what I was supposed to be doing with a letter due to the minute amount of post I usually receive, after I realised what I was doing it, I tore the envelope open, I wouldn't say quickly, but at a fair pace for someone still in a state of trance, and scanned the letter inside for words that resemble; Accepted, Offered, etc.
Upon seeing the words in bold 'Conditional Offer' my first thoughts were: 'Now I no longer have to worry about this.'

Now other than that paragraph being very, very boring, what I'm trying to put across in some way is that I'm extremely glad that I have been offered a place at the University that I set out wanting to go too, it makes my life so much easier by not having to think about whether I will get into the place I want any more.

Other than the above, my grandparents came down from the North, I had Chinese for dinner, and I completed Assassin's Creed, which I am thoroughly annoyed with because of the ending being too open and the makers not having released the games as a Trilogy all at once so I don't have to wait for the 2nd one to come out! Roughly Translated, It's a fucking good game, and I want to play the next one. Nice touch putting all the references to things like the Tunguska Event, the Philadelphia Project, Crystal Skulls and such things.

I have an extreme obsession with Conspiracies and strange events, I'll probably spend a few hours writing a blog about them all one day.

The Mayan Calendar may always be right. Who knows.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

African American Browsing

I woke up today and I'm still ill. Joy.
Anyway, the reason I'm writing this approximately 20 or 30 minutes after waking up is because of the new Internet browser that I have just discovered.

"Blackbird" is a new way too surf the internet...only its specifically for African American people.
As the site states:

"Blackbird provides African Americans with easy access to advanced features and services, greater visibility and access to hard-to-find African-American online content and a platform for sharing their entire internet experience on the web."

I'm not quite sure what I make of this, at the same time of thinking It is a good idea, and it will benefit African American's and such things, It seems borderline racist to segregate them from caucasian's. That said, I'm definatly not coming down on the company or condemning them for creating it, I still believe it's a good idea and my benefit black communities. Lets just hope everyone see's it in a similar light.

More Info at the site here:
& some info on Techcrunch here:

Monday, 8 December 2008


I am currently residing in England, and every day when I get back from Sixth Form, I have a routine of going through certain websites and checking the news, I didn't want to develop this routine, It just happened that way. Anyway, I usually check Jimmy Ruska's site www.jimmyr.com which, in my experience, has everything I need to know for that day. Now I mention this because every so often, a piece of news will appear that, well, angers me a significant amount. It will always be about what the British Government are either preposing, or have already done without my knowledge.

I am not able to vote yet, and honestly I have no real interest too. Everything the Government want to pass seems like another step closer to detaining an entire country, some of my recent favourites are;
- The government making it necessary to show your passport when buying a mobile phone, which can be found here: "http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article4969312.ece"
- Giving the Police the power to check for ID Cards on Citizens in the Street, something that has not been seen since the Second World War, which has recently been rejected thankfully, but can be found here: "http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7765106.stm"

England is a country with more CCTV than any other in the world. How ridiculus is that?
Now I cannot blame this solely on the Government, afterall is the peoples fault too. The state of the country is disgusting, binge drinking, vandalism, fighting, etc. Don't get me wrong on this, I love drinking, few things are as good as sitting around with friends getting drunk on Jack Daniel's, but standing around street corners drinking small amounts of cider and starting fights and knifing people is stupid. These moron's, or 'Chavs' as they are categorised by their betters, are slowly taking England apart piece by piece, and as far as my knowledge goes, they are not really being punished by police.
I myself have been arrested and given a reprimand when I was 15 for things that I don't really need to specify, and I understand that I did something wrong and know that I should not get caught doing it again. The difference between me and these 'Chavs' is that I actually understand what not to do again, they lack the intelligence to avoid the same situation a second time. So this leaves us with a situation where the 'Chavs' commit a crime, get caught by Police, but not fully punished for their actions, thus not learning anything this time, or the next..or the next...or the next.

The most interesting thing I find about my problems with Government is how much I hate English politics but love the American's. A great example of this rift is the 4th of November 2008, a day that I, and millions of others will never forget. This was ofcourse the day Barack Obama won the Presidency, and I was set on seeing the moment where he won, so I stayed up the entire night alone, from around 23.00 to 05.40 just to see the magical moment. I can honestly say I cannot remember the last time I was so happy and relieved, it truly was something totally amazing. My reason for mentioning this is how it all came about. Millions of people joining together together to make a positive outcome, something that will benefit them, hopefully something that will fix problems caused by the past..
I think that's what everything comes down to with the differences in American and English Politics for me, you just don't get that, I don't know, Unification in England. No one seems to really care, that's the reason I want to get out of this country as soon as possible.

Anyway, things aren't that bad just yet.

Infinite Restrictions

In a world that seems increasing like George Orwell's 1984, I am slowly feeling more and more inclined to voice my opinion of the matters at hand. Yes, some of you may say that my opinion is nothing, and essentially that's true, it is nothing, but given the option to let at least 1 other person in this world read my exagerated rambling's makes me feel better for some reason or another.

So that you get an idea of who I am, something that I think is a gaping hole in modern society, I will write some irrelevant little things down;
My name is Samuel Philip Coles, I am a 17 year old Student, and the son of an Author and Nurse. I spend the majority of my time doing nothing, which is evident from this blog. I play a lot of instruments, I like to write and I love films. No, not modern day Hollywood blockbusters, I mean more like 1960's and 70's flicks like 'The Godfather', 'Midnight Cowboy' and 'Taxi Driver'. I'm not going to bore you with that stuff.
Anyway, enough of that, on too more interesting and serious things.