Sunday, 21 December 2008

The Beginning

I would assume that this is what should technically be the beginning of the next stage of my existence, and honestly it probably was a bad day to start on, as I woke up at 2.30pm, slightly stunting it somewhat, as I am only around ten and a bit hours into my day.

Today was the fun day that, among other things (grandparents coming to stay for a week, finishing Assassin's Creed within a week, etc) I was lucky enough to receive a letter from one of the University's that I had put down on my Application form. Now usually, I would expect the worst of such things, and since I had only just awoke from what feels like a 6 month hibernation, I did exactly that. My sister, who is incidentally home from her University for the wonders of Christmas, came into my room, and handed me a letter. As soon as I saw a letter in her hand, my mind went straight to a: 'Fuck, Fuck Fuck, Shit, It's from a University, someone help!' state, and for some reason that is fairly common for me. At first I didn't know what to think, I was so tired still that I wasn't completely certain on what I was supposed to be doing with a letter due to the minute amount of post I usually receive, after I realised what I was doing it, I tore the envelope open, I wouldn't say quickly, but at a fair pace for someone still in a state of trance, and scanned the letter inside for words that resemble; Accepted, Offered, etc.
Upon seeing the words in bold 'Conditional Offer' my first thoughts were: 'Now I no longer have to worry about this.'

Now other than that paragraph being very, very boring, what I'm trying to put across in some way is that I'm extremely glad that I have been offered a place at the University that I set out wanting to go too, it makes my life so much easier by not having to think about whether I will get into the place I want any more.

Other than the above, my grandparents came down from the North, I had Chinese for dinner, and I completed Assassin's Creed, which I am thoroughly annoyed with because of the ending being too open and the makers not having released the games as a Trilogy all at once so I don't have to wait for the 2nd one to come out! Roughly Translated, It's a fucking good game, and I want to play the next one. Nice touch putting all the references to things like the Tunguska Event, the Philadelphia Project, Crystal Skulls and such things.

I have an extreme obsession with Conspiracies and strange events, I'll probably spend a few hours writing a blog about them all one day.

The Mayan Calendar may always be right. Who knows.

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