Tuesday, 5 April 2011

He Had A Dream...

The 4th of April clearly doesn't mean that much to a lot of people these days, I'm ashamed to admit that even I found myself realising only because of a section in 'Fear and Loathing on The Campaign Trail' while I rode the train out to Hell this morning.

Forty-Three years ago, on this very day, a man was killed in cold blood, and in most cases that wouldn't be something overly special due to the amount of murderous pillaging that happens now, and even back then... But he was someone important, someone that still is important even today.
Forty-Three years later in a country thousands of miles away from where his body fell, he will still be remembered with great importance and missed by millions because of what he stood for, the words he said, what he believed in, and, what he dreamed of.

Martin Luther King was killed by James Earl Ray for standing up for the rights of others and more importantly what he believed in. What were we told in school at a young age? Were we told to silence people who thought differently and bully them? No, but because of human nature that's how it plays out, even when people are children, a bully resorts to their ways purely by acting under a dislike for what someone else looks like or what they say, and look at it now, children's prejudice is all grown up, and now it's called Racism or Sexism or Homophobia, and when you try and silence that person who wants to speak their thoughts freely, you take away our freedom to fight without the need for physical confrontation. But who needs that? I mean why sit down, talk about something, be civilized, when instead you can take millions to war and have their heads blown open and limbs separated? Let alone all the people that survive and have to suffer the rest of their lives in situations they shouldn't be in.

Amongst other things, all he really wanted was equality for people with the smallest difference of a variation in skin colour.

The saddest thing of all is, we're still working towards that equality when it should come to us all so easily.

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