Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Born Into Life's Great Downfall.

By definition, people are bad, and even those with the kindest of intentions tend to be trying to prove something to someone, often themselves, if not always. That does not make them bad though, just means they have organised their life and mentality into a place throughout a number of years that enables them to be who they want to be, by which I mean the majority of the world is under the influence of their parents beliefs and values for far too long until it's finally realised that they have been doing it. There's no real way out of that though, the only other option is to rebel and argue every point your parents make, and that doesn't work because even if you're right ten percent of the time and that makes you feel validated in your decision to start doing E's and that time you stole your little sisters pocket money to move on to heavier stuff, the other ninety percent of the time you get shafted, badly.

Our primal instincts are to do whatever we can to further ourselves, whether that includes stealing, cheating or otherwise, this means that those little moments in some peoples, or most peoples lives where they manage to ruin something they care about, are caused by a mix of your original instincts and often a good amount of stupidity. There's no point pretending the majority of bad things in life aren't caused by people's own stupidity on some level, because there's plenty of causes for that too, and I would say it's okay but this thing we do now where we're proud of how ignorant we are, I've got to be honest, it's not working for me. Being proud of the fact you don't know something isn't acceptable, if you have trouble being called out and getting something wrong, so what? No one likes being proved wrong or shown up, but learn to accept the fact that you do, in fact, not know that fact. Learn from it and take it away with you, because I'm sure you'd remember it from then on, instead of blowing it off and ranting about how "you don't need to know that because it doesn't interest me!" Then don't talk about it, ever, if that's the attitude you have.

We spend all of our lives trying to impress others and confuse ourselves into thinking that we're not who others see, or worse, that you see in yourself. People waste their entire lives trying to change what they were born with instead of embracing whatever they already have and not being miserable for 99 out of one hundred years, because of that one perfect year at 28 where they had the right amount of plastic surgery to not look like a fish. I'm not preaching anything, I don't believe in anything, I don't believe in the self-help bullshit telling you to accept yourself or the over the top positive attitude that most have when telling others to accept their 'special gifts in life', I'm just sick of watching the World fall faster and faster into this pit of stupidity and self-hatred.

Most people just get by in life while convincing themselves it will get better for them one day, it probably won't, because you've never tried to further your squalid position, just had the belief that you should be handed it. Somewhere in time we started to lose our way, and it's been unraveling slowly ever since, it's not the end of the World by any means, melodrama bestows nothing, but we're definitely in worse shape than ever every single day we wake up.

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